To compete in today’s modern world, manufacturers can gain a true competitive advantage by accelerating product development, effectively managing safety, compliance and regulatory risks and accessing new markets. Involving technical advisors in the beginning of the design phase can streamline a cost-efficient process that ultimately gets you to market faster.

AREA Product Development can provide practical solutions for testing and certification for products destined for use and installations across the world.  

Our expertise covers Market Access for global product compliance approvals and certifications, alongside product tests for: EMC Services, wireless / radio testing, product safety testing, climatic testing and compliance with restricted substances regulations. Our relationships with third party test labs give us the experience to say which areas they cover and are accredited for, who is more reliable, and are more cost-effective for you.

Product related injury can break the company. It is prudent to do failure mode analysis to prevent it and to conduct cause analysis to make sure a safety escape will not be repeated.